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Speedway Competition

WHEN: Friday 15th August 2025

WHERE: The Horseshoe (TBC)

TIMING: Start at 6pm - first dart to be thrown at 6:30pm

ABOUT EVENT: For 16 players, played off the Speedway Bike format.

Where players play in groups of 4 and they play 5 games. In which they don’t play the same person more than once.

It’s over 1 leg and all players play a game of 501, players will be assigned who starts so that they get equal goes at being first and last.

Whoever finishes 1st gets 3 points, and you keep playing to see who finishes 2nd and 3rd, and they will get 2 points and 1 point respectively. Finishing last receives you 0 points.

Players will have access to a Joker that can be used once to receive Double points, this must be declared before the game starts.

After the games are played the top 8 point scorers go into the semi finals.

If 8th place is tied, 9 darts are thrown and whoever scores the most gets the 8th position.

1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th

2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th

Same format is played, 501, all played at once, with 1st and 2nd finishers go through to the final. And then the same format is played in the final.

8 July

Speedway Competition

24 October

4th Handicap Open 2025